Faculty Lecture for 2019 ASRA Pain Medicine and MSK Ultrasound Cadaver Course

Julie H. Huang-Lionnet MD, MBA as Associate Faculty at 2019 American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (ASRA) – Pain Medicine and MSK Ultrasound Cadaver Course at Northwestern Stimulation Center in Chicago, IL.
From American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
Chicago, IL (April 27-28, 2019) – Dr. Huang-Lionnet, M.D. was invited to teach as Associate Faculty for the 2019 ASRA Pain Medicine and MSK Ultrasound Cadaver Course. The course provided high interactive learning and hands-on practice using live models and cadavers on the use of ultrasound technology for interventional and diagnostic pain procedures. Topics covered include MSK sonoanatomy (hip, knee, shoulder, hand, elbow, and ankle) and scanning; sonoanatomy and scanning of peripheral and axial structures, ultrasound-guided platelet-rich plasma injections, and ultrasound-guided hip and knee radiofrequency ablation techniques.
Dr. Huang-Lionnet co-reviewed and presented relevant sonoanatomy and interventional techniques for targeting cervical medical branches under ultrasound guidance with ASRA Faculty and Professor Roderick Finlayson, M.D., Professor of Anesthesia at McGill University in Montreal QC, Canada. Dr. Finlayson is the Director of Interventional Pain Management and Medical Director of the Chronic Pain Network, who has been actively engaged in research regarding ultrasound guidance for spinal procedures.
This program was led by course chair Dr. Philip Peng, MBBS, Professor in the Department of Anesthesia of University of Toronto who is the Director of the Anesthesia Chronic Pain Program of University Health Network, the largest teaching hospital in Canada, and his Scientific and Education Planning Committee members, Dr. Dmitri Souza, M.D., Ph.D., Clinical Professor Anesthesiology of Ohio University and Western Reserve Hospital, and Dr. Maged Mina, M.D., Adjunct Faculty of University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio.
The course was also designed to provide CME credit towards the ASRA Pain and MSK Interventional Ultrasound Certificate. Further information of the scope of this certification and link to the application is provided below from ASRA.
Scope of Pain and MSK Interventional Ultrasound Certification
In recent years, one of the most important new developments in interventional pain management has been the introduction of ultrasound-guided pain procedures and musculoskeletal (MSK) injections. Real-time viewing of the target structures, the block needle trajectory, and injectate spread, as well as the critical structures to avoid, can ensure superior success and safety in pain management procedures. This is a quantum leap in technology for those interested in this pursuit, and ultrasound-guided pain intervention is drawing a large number of pain practitioners to adopt these new techniques. However, sonography images are subject to individual interpretation depending on one’s experiences and training.
No formal training on pain and MSK interventional ultrasound exists in most residency and fellowship programs. As such, physicians obtain training through attending hands-on workshops, as well as online educational activities. There is now an increasing trend for physicians to integrate interventional ultrasound in daily pain practice. Not surprisingly, payers, as well as hospital administrators, are expected to demand documented training, competency evaluation, and/or certifications.
The American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (ASRA) and the Pain and MSK Interventional Ultrasound Certificate Examination Board developed the eligibility requirements and examination materials for the Pain and MSK Interventional Ultrasound Certificate based on the best practices of Pain and MSK Interventional Ultrasound documented in medical literature. This certification recognizes currently accepted levels of knowledge and expertise in Pain and MSK Interventional Ultrasound to improve patient care.
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